Sunday 16 January 2011

Happy Sunday!

My first major amount of time spent in the garden!!!!!
I am so pleased! It was dry, it was not freezing cold, it was not snowing, I was not needed elsewhere, so I got to spend a full 2 hours in the garden before it got dark! I cleared the area around the gate, so it now opens fully!!! Then I cut the hedge back to the fence so that I can walk around the first box, which I am going to get the materials for, and hopefully start building on Wednesday!!!!
I also laid a couple more boxes, picked up more broken glass and filled the peanut feeder for the birds :)
This morning whilst Eildh was at Ice skating, I walked back from the factory shop. Didnt have time to walk there and back as needed Dads birthday present and he was already on his way to the ice rink!
I've decided my phrase for this year is going to be 'Just do it'. No more not doing things incase I get it wrong, it's my garden, no-one is going to give me a row for getting it wrong, so I'm just going to 'do it' :)

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