Saturday 8 January 2011

A fruitful Saturday!

Up and at it early today, left the house before 10 to pick up Peter, and delivered Avon books en route (10 minutes walking)Spent a while admiring Peter's garden, wow, not a spot left unused! One day I will have the time to acheive that! Then Peter came to see mine, and was speechless at the overgrown wilderness of it. :(
Peter did say though, that managing it on my own was a near impossibility, especially with a full time job too, so that made me feel less of a failure. Peter has suggested that I cover the left side of the garden with a thin layer of fresh Horse manure, and then black plastic for a year, to let it all die down, which will give me time to concentrate of the right side. He has suggested that I create beds with wooden sides, then fill them, as high as possible, but at least as high as my knees, with Horse manure! He suggests using fresh stuff for the lower layer, then a thick layer of well rotted stuff, at least a year old, which I can then plant straight into.
He has also suggested that I use one of my plastic barrels for chicken poo, which I mix with water, and then in the summer, I can water the plants with it for extra minerals, so going to set that up too.
Needless to say, Alex was less than enthusiastic, and will make it as difficult as possible for me to do the woodwork, even though he could do it with his eyes closed, and we have loads of scraps of wood which could at least get me started, but I will go out and ask the advice of other joiners if I have to and do it myself, if that is the way he is going to be.
Obtaining horse manure which is not frozen may be a challenge!!
I also completed another half hour of walking by walking to Samantha's to ask for the manure!

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